
Truth and Lies

Living “true to ourselves” “true to our values “in our purpose” what is in the way? 🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹   Beliefs that do not serve us and the absence of beliefs that do ✅✅✅✅ I call them truths and lies.   Our nervous system doesn’t have a bias for what empowers us. It just stores things as …

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Business leadership breakthroughs parallel in Parenting!!

Most of the business owners I work with are parents too. Their leadership issues at home are the same in business. 😮😮 It is often way more powerful for me to address the patterns in the context of parenting and let the change flow over onto their style at work. I say “easier”, it’s actually, …

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Snapping and scrapping

Snapping and scrapping. That’s how my stress response looks in early stages. Anger and overwhelm is when I’m fully in the red zone. We live in an overstimulating environment which means our nervous system pays the price. Having a baseline of stress support, we all can use that. Healing old active stress charges is where …

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You are MAGIC!

From the walking, talking, making-shit-happen on a ball hurtling through space down to the tiny electromagnetic actions in your cells. You are MAGIC! Every one of us has our own MAGIC. We can’t see our own eyeballs though and a lot leaders don’t recognize their unique powers and spend mental energy on what they AREN’T …

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Is the circle wrong?

Is the circle wrong? Notice what you saw first. The 3 things being the same or the 1 thing being different… Learning what our “meta programs” (cognitive patterns) are, helps us massively by allowing us to challenge our biases and practiced ways. Rewiring ourselves is always an option. Brain plasticity is real fam. Conscious rewiring …

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Where do these ideas of yours come from???

Where do these ideas of yours come from??? Ideas come from any of the 6 i’s… Where we think from… 1. Instinct Survival protocols that we share with all the other mammals ~ fight, flight, feed and fuck. Protect what’s mine. 2. Intelligence Life experience combined with our natural cognitive abilities produces “intelligence”. Cognitive abilities …

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I want to get F.A.T.

Free Associative Thought. I want to get F.A.T. ✅ It reduces stress 📶 Increases cognition, creativity, learning and memory. It is the elusive PRESENT STATE mindset. Neurologically we are most trapped in beta frequency, outcome-based, linear thinking patterns. PLAY breaks the shackles and takes us to Free Association. It is one of my constant intentions …

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