

HOLD ON! I wanted to check in with you and remind you of how you can identify when you are flip-flopping around in survival mode. You are undoubtedly in survival mode when you’re overreacting and repressing. “If this doesn’t get dealt with, EVERYTHING is going to go wrong.” Overdramatizing and exaggerating stuff, where things are …

OVERREACTION… maybe? Read More »

When to cut and run with staff

When do you cut and run with staff?  Leadership challenge around staff underperforming is one big issue most business owners have to deal with. Of course, staff underperforming is our leading issue to address. The existing platform that staff comes into businesses with obviously affects the tone of how they are going to perform. Prior …

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Haven’t we had enough already?

Rise and shine beautiful leaders! Looping at the same levels over and over… Haven’t we had enough already? Enough waiting.Enough shame.Enough hiding.Enough sorry~sorry.Enough tall poppy.Enough smallness.Enough “got~to~be~perfects.” Enough! I lost my (sh*t) patience for it all and that’s when my leadership magic happened, I got more interested in the impact I was going to make …

Haven’t we had enough already? Read More »

❌❌Screw what they think!❌❌

I have seen spouses and staff RUIN businesses. 🔇🔇If they aren’t in the driver’s seat their opinion is just noise. 🔇🔇 As business owners, we have a lot of external noise. Just like learning that external opinions didn’t matter about ourselves, having the capacity to identify external opinions and emotional influences in business is crucial …

❌❌Screw what they think!❌❌ Read More »

Business leadership breakthroughs parallel in Parenting!!

Most of the business owners I work with are parents too. Their leadership issues at home are the same in business. 😮😮 It is often way more powerful for me to address the patterns in the context of parenting and let the change flow over onto their style at work. I say “easier”, it’s actually, …

Business leadership breakthroughs parallel in Parenting!! Read More »

You are MAGIC!

From the walking, talking, making-shit-happen on a ball hurtling through space down to the tiny electromagnetic actions in your cells. You are MAGIC! Every one of us has our own MAGIC. We can’t see our own eyeballs though and a lot leaders don’t recognize their unique powers and spend mental energy on what they AREN’T …

You are MAGIC! Read More »

All Trauma is Trauma

RANT! Can we stop with the comparing? Everyone has a different threshold. A different past experience. A different set of coping strategies. What is “no big deal” for you might be the most traumatic experience someone else has ever encountered. Our neurology does not have a reference guide. All trauma is valid. Deserving on attention …

All Trauma is Trauma Read More »

Is the circle wrong?

Is the circle wrong? Notice what you saw first. The 3 things being the same or the 1 thing being different… Learning what our “meta programs” (cognitive patterns) are, helps us massively by allowing us to challenge our biases and practiced ways. Rewiring ourselves is always an option. Brain plasticity is real fam. Conscious rewiring …

Is the circle wrong? Read More »